Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day of Preschool

Harrison had his first day of preschool today. You know, I did not take a picture. I will have to do that tomorrow. He goes M-TH for 3 hours. I am there teaching in the four year old class. I peeked in his room today and caught him scribbling with a marker, while sitting at the table. It was so cute. It is difficult to peek in when you are at home. There is something about seeing them interacting or just being in a classroom with peers. We are starting a new diet in our house. I was thinking about cutting out wheat in our diets to see if this would help with Harrison's constipation and behavior issues. Well, I found out that William has a mild to medium allergy to wheat. Just what I needed to do it. Maybe, by cutting out wheat in our day, I can lose some weight too. That would be nice.


The Portas said...

I hope Harrison enjoyed himself! I want to see pics!!

The wheat thing is a good idea. It certainly doesn't hurt to try things like that. Good luck! xoxo

Unknown said...

I'm so glad he had a good time. That's so cool that you teach at the same school. I'd be checking on him too! :)

That stinks about his allergies to wheat. It was a good thought anyways.

Unknown said...

Just checking in on you guys. Hope Harrison is having fun at school.