Wednesday, December 10, 2008

He got in!!!

After a long 3 years of Harrison's battles with surgeries and development we are finally on the road moving forward. Harrison qualified for PPCD (Preschool Program for Children w/ Disabilities). He will attend M-F from 8 to 2:15. Hopefully, with the trained teacher, aides and therapists he can finally get the help he needs to teach him to have expressive language. My husband would love to hear his son call him d, or dada, or da, or anything besides ma. He is such a little trooper.

Now, we just need to get through his barium enema on the 22nd to determine if he has nerve damage in the intestines that could be causing his constipation. After these results we can move forward.

We are going to have another joyous Christmas! This year marks the 3 year anniversary of having Harrison in our home. After birth and 2 months in the hospital, he was released to go home on December 25, 2005. We heard 3 different Christmas songs on the way to Children's Minneapolis that day. All 3 songs were about going home for Christmas! Enjoy the memories and time you have with the people you love this holiday season!

From our house to yours...Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!