Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 6

Harrison is home! What a week. Considering we were blindsided with this, Harrison handled with courage again. William is feeling a bit "jealous" of all of Harrison gifts he received while at Cook's. Of course, I can't blame him. He is only 7 and it is difficult for him to understand everything that is going on. He just sees his brother always getting gifts when he is in the hospital. In fact, tonight William said he wished he was sick so he could go to the hospital. It just breaks my heart. We explain until we're blue in the face, but he is only 7. Boomer took Will to pick out a frog for himself. This seemed to cheer him up!

As for H, he is doing wonderful. He cried when it was time to leave the hospital. He wanted to stay and play in the playroom. We can't pick him up under the arms until September 12 and there is no swimming until then too. It seems like we were just allowed to pick him up after the last surgery. I hate this part of the recovery. Highchairs and car seats are the worst. No, actually bath tubs. Have you ever tried to pick up a wet 25 pound toddler out of the tub without lifting from the armpits? Try it one is a @#$~^!


KatieHinckley said...

I'm so glad you guys are all home! I know you will all be grateful to sleep in your own beds. We will continue to pray for a quick and complete recovery.

Unknown said...

Your home!!! You all need to get some rest. Thank you for updating. Keep it up cause I love hearing about the boys.

Mami Adame said...

So glad to hear you are home! Wow, I had already forgotten about the no lifting under the armpits. It was hard enough when Angelina was 6mos old, I can't imagine at 25 lbs! I'm sure you'll be creative! Take care!

The Portas said...

YAY! Home, wonderful home! I'm so happy that you got back there so quickly.

The no picking up under the arms thing is a huge PAIN. Have you tried the scoop from behind under the bum? This SAVED us when it came to bath tubs and car seats. I actually got so used to doing it that I still did it for a while even after we were cleared to pick up under the arms again.

I hope you're all getting some much-needed rest. Harrison, you're a star! And William, you're a star, too. Hugs to you all...xoxo

Unknown said...

Just thinking of you guys. Hope Harrison is doing well. Maybe you could upload some pictures so we can see his cute face. :)

Take Care,