Monday, February 11, 2008


Harrison is not eating much right now. We are not really sure why and we are not as worried as last week. There is really only so much I can do to make him eat. What he is eating he is also keeping the food in his mouth...gross! The dietitian came last week and weighed H, he weighed 22lbs 11ozs. In December, she weighed him and he weighed 23 lbs. On January 16th he weighed 24lbs. So, he lost a little.

As for his ears, we are to continue drops every 3 days. This is not a fun task. I have to pin him down and listen to him scream bloody murder. I feel so bad for doing it to him. This is probably the hardest thing in 2 years. He took 9 medications 24 different times a day for 6 months, 5 medications for the other 6 months, but all of that was through the feeding tube. When he was down to 3 medications twice a day we had the tube removed. He takes all of this by mouth with ZERO fight! Ear drops are another story.

Hopefully, this treatment will work. If not, back to the ENT and Infectious Disease Doctor.

Wednesday we go to Hanger to be fitted with new feet braces. They want to go taller. He is losing balance quite a bit and falling, so the PT thinks that he needs AFO's instead of SMO's. AFO stands for Ankle Foot Orthotics.

The next specialist we see is Genetics, in March. Maybe she can shed some light on eating, walking, talking and ears.

We think H has 2 words: No and Mine...they don't sound like the words, but we think he says them. He did the sign for help today and I was so excited. It is not exactly, but he knows what he is doing. He looks at a picture of a ball and does the ball sign. And of course, MORE has become his universal sign for anything and everything.

H got his hair cut and I will try and post a picture soon.

1 comment:

The Portas said...

Thanks for the update!

I'm so sorry to hear about those nasty ear drops. That just stinks. Hopefully you can be done with them soon?

Also yucky about the eating trouble. When do you go in to see the geneticist?

Good luck with everything. Your boys are just adorable.