Monday, February 11, 2008

Update on William

These are some great neighbors from St. Michael, MN...when we lived there. This is the pond in our backyard. We miss it there!
There is William in the silver jacket. This was his first time on skates. Boy, do we miss our little ice pond. We sure don't have that in Texas!
Cameron, Jaeger and William after ice skating!
Another great picture of the boys.
William did a great job out on the ice his first time. He loved it.

William is almost finished with basketball. He has a few more games. He just signed up for baseball and has a little tryout on Wednesday night. He is excited to learn how to play baseball. He is also eager for summer. He keeps thinking about our annual trip to the beach. I hope he can focus on his grades for a few more months. He is doing great and growing like a weed. There is nothing wrong with his appetite.

1 comment:

The Portas said...

Cute pics! What a great pond. I wish we had something fun like that. Might as well make the best out of the frigid cold.