Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We are okay...I am addicted to FACEBOOK!

I am so bad at updating my blog that I created. We have been so busy since 2009 began. Harrison started his new school on January 6th. He has been sick 3 times already. He was at school the first week and then on the 12th he came home with a fever. Three days home and diagnosed with strep throat (our first). Then we went to Disney World on the 17th. We got back the 21 and he went to school on 22nd and 23rd of January. That weekend he had another little fever that went away. The last week of January school was closed for one day because ice. Then William got a fever and it was induced by his asthma. So, here we are in February. On Saturday the 7th I went to a wedding shower and bragged about Harrison not having an ear infection since last March. Ha, never brag ladies it will bite you in the butt. I got home and my husband said H's hair was stuck to his ear from puss draining out of his right ear. Well, the ear had to be suctioned out by his ENT yesterday and now we are on drops for 7 days. If it doesn't clear up he will go to plan B. Welcome to the new germ pool Harrison. By the way, I found out that H is only receiving 20 minutes of Speech a week at his new school. At this rate he may talk in time for college. I am planning to get him private speech.

Words...he finally said Pappa for daddy. He says:
nana (grandmother)
nana (banana)
nana (no)
all (ball)
iii (William)
houw (house)
uuu (blue)

He knows his shapes circle, square, triangle, and diamond. He knows 3 colors: blue, red, and yellow.

It is so cute. We are so thrilled he has the words he has. He is still signing a lot. I am sure he may have more words, but we haven't figured them out yet.

I'll write more later. He got weighed at nephrology...he weighs a whopping 28 pounds.